
In 2013 The Chairman Mr. Darshana Liyanasekara and his beloved wife Mrs. Udyani discovered that there is an opportunity for a business related to the Hospitality industry in Alawwa as they noticed most of the tourist, corporate guests & mainly the couples who is in search of a venue for their memorable function or for a comfortable stay, had to travel to next city to fulfill their need, since they could not find a luxury comfort in between. Therefore, to give a feeling of an eco-friendly environment and luxury comfort with ample space, they created one brand called “Grindlays Regency” as one stop for all the needs.

In deciding the brand name, Mr.Darshana and his wife Mrs.Udyani wanted to give it a uniqueness and familiarity to locals as well as for foreigners, hence they selected Anglo-Saxon surname “Grindlays” which comes from an old English word “Grene” and “Leah” that stands for green and a section of land that was open for free grazing, which suited their dream of giving the visitors freedom and relaxation at Grindlays.